project 365 catch up

Posted: February 10, 2009 in 365 project

I have been so busy with school projects that I’ve neglected my blog terribly.  Here are my project 365 photos from the past weekish.

img_4322Day 30 New Obsession

I am a huge fan of Starbucks Skinny Caramel lattes. With the crazy economy we’ve all had to cut back. My daily Starbucks runs have diminished to just once in awhile so I’ve had to find a substitute. I bought this caramel syrup for Madison’s milk but found it’s a great addition to coffee. Not quite Starbucks but not bad



img_4323Day 31 Fashion

Madison loves clothes! I love that she loves clothes. When I see something adorable that I think she’ll like I can’t help picking it up. I have tried to moderate it in an effort to save money but she still has a substantial wardrobe.




img_4353Day 32 Relaxing

Just a fun pic of Madison hanging our in the living room in her fuzzy pj’s. Of course, what you can’t tell by the photo is that it’s about 3:00 in the afternoon!





img_4342Day 33 Tyler’s loves

The cat and his DS, these are the things that make Tyler happy. Of course, Mowgli isn’t all that happy to have Tyler laying on top of him but he seems to tolerate it.








img_4345Day 34 Hanging out

Tyler doing his third favorite thing, hanging out on the couch watching spongebob.






img_4325Day 35 school

The computer lab at school. I am taking typography this semester and the first exercise took an insane amount of computer time.






img_4356Day 36 Atilla

Atilla is almost 9 years old. In spite of his bad hips and failing eyesight, he’s still in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, he sometimes stumbles into the pool so we have to keep a hawk eye on him when he goes outside. Poor little guy fell in the pool on one of the coldest days of the year




img_4341Day 37 Mowgli

The computer lab at school. I am taking typography this semester and the first exercise took an insane amount of computer time.





img_4357Day 38 wow!

How grown up does Madison look with makeup on??? this is a test run of hair and makeup for her performance at tomorrow’s Magic game.





img_0148Day 39 Vanity

A few last minute makeup fixes before Madison’s dance at the Orlando Magic game.

  1. Mary says:

    Wow-is she doing something at halftime ??

    Tyler is a lot like Jack! Spongebob & Nintendo DS- his fave things!


  2. zanne says:

    I have never heard of the Hershey’s Caramel!!! Yummy! Have to get some! Great pics of Madison. Did you video tape her performance?


  3. 2genmom says:

    I’ve not seen that carmel syrup yet…yum!!! Madison look sooooo much like her mama.


  4. laura says:

    love the pics! Madison’s highlights look so cute 🙂 Can’t believe I didn’t ask how she did (sorry!!) Can’t wait to see pics of that


  5. Linda says:

    Fun photos. I have been doing the same thing with my coffee except I am using plain chocolate syrup and some creamer for a cheap mocha.


  6. pam says:

    Fun photos! Will have to get some of that Caramel!


  7. Janet says:

    Great pics! I admire you for sticking with this project. I would have given up by now! I’m a big SB fan, too, but I don’t go nearly as much now as I did. I too have tried the caramel syrup in coffee. Not too shabby!


  8. Suz Gray says:

    You’ve done a great job with the 365 project. Love your everyday photos – they are going to make a special album


  9. laura says:

    so day 39 gets us through February 8th…….we are all anxious for more photos please!


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