Tech overload

Posted: September 21, 2008 in campus life, everyday life
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Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely loving going back to school.  Not only am I working on learning all the fun art and graphic design stuff, I also have to learn how to use my brand spankin’ new mac AND the free iPod touch that came with it.  Instead of doing my photoshop homework,  i find myself downloading super cool apps to my ipod and exploring the wonder that is iLife on the mac.  I’m not saying that I don’t love the new technology, it’s just that my brain is about to explode like a hot dog in a microwave.  There’s just not enough hours in the day to learn everything!

  1. Melanie says:

    I think Macs are way easier to use than PCs. Enjoy your new Mac and Ipod Touch!


  2. Linda says:

    I love my Mac, after 4 months I am still learning everything on there. And I love my iPhone too especially now that I have updated to iTunes 8. Lots of good stuff there. Enjoy your Mac and iPod!


  3. Lucky you! I have the same problem. I want to get stuff done and I get sidetracked so easy. Then the next thing I know, it’s 11 pm and I’m exhausted. 😛

    If you at least have something fun to show for it, though… hehehehe. *enabling*


  4. Janet says:

    Don’t explode! 🙂 So cool that you are doing this. I would love to go back to school at some point.


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